Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there. We hope you have a wonderful day!
#happyfathersday #pipingrockequestriancenter #pipingrockhorses #pipingrockequestrian #goanywhere #goride #gorideyourhorse #getoutside #getoutsideandride #cowboyblessing #cowboy #cowboysarethebest

Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.
- John Wayne *
We are so happy summer is here, we are ready for show season to now start. Who else is ready??
@mikaylaawalsh and Bunny🐰
#pipingrockhorses #pipingrockequestrian #pipingrockequestriancenter #pipingrocksummercamp #goride #horsesarethebest #getoutside #sporthorses #jumpers #comeride #truckeetrails #trailrides #horsequotes #cowboyblessing #gorideyourhorse #favoriteplace #favoriteqoute #bunny #hunterjumper

"The essential joy of being with horse is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and fire." Sharon Ralls Lemon *
Hope everyone is ready for summer... we sure are.
Photo credit- @originalthump *
#pipingrockhorses #pipingrockequestrian #pipingrockhorsesJD #trailrides #summercamp #truckeetrails #trailrides #aqha #pipingrockequestriancenter #pipingrocksummercamp #goride #horsesarethebest #getoutside #gymhkanahorse #trailhorse

The trails are calling at Piping Rock. We can’t wait for our Summer guests to join us out there!
#PipingRocktrailriding #Horses #kids #Summercamps #horsebackriding #Trails #Trailriding #PipingRock #PipingRockHorses

Spruce (Lee)'s first time in the creek. He is such a cool horse.
#pipingrockhorses #pipingrockequestrian #pipingrockhorses #comeride #trailrides #ddotranch #pipingrockequestriancenter #pipingrockhorsesSpruce #havethebestday #getoutside #besthorsesever #pipingrockhorsesCash #SpruceLee #ponying #ponyyourhorse #creekcrossing

Spring at #ddotranch. What a lovely day to be outside.
#doyleCA #tshirtweather #springattheranch #pipingrockequestrian #pipingrockequestriancenter #horsesouttopasture #pasturelife #pipingrockhorsesAthena #getoutandride #getoutside #socialdistancing #ranchlifestyle #ranchstyle #happyplace #happyhorses

Now that summer is right around the corner, we are dreaming of show season. What are your plans or goals for the summer?
#pipingrockhorses #pipingrockequestrian #pipingrockhorseseclipse #pipingrocksummercamp #horsequotes #cowboyblessing #goride #horsesarethebest #dreambig #dreamingofshowing #jumpers #comeride #truckeetrails #hunterjumper #kickthedustup #ponyjumper #showing #readyforsummer #horseshow #gymhkana

Everyone! Please wish @railjamsam, one of our trainers, a very happy birthday. We feel very lucky to have had this lady at our barn for the 6 past years. Thank you for everything you do for us, the kids and our horses. We love you. Hope you have a wonderful day.🦄🎂🎁🎈🦄
#pipingrockequestriancenter #pipingrockequestrian #pipingrockhorsesBuckwheat #pipingrockhorsesCash #pipingrockhorsesWhiskey #pipingrockhorsesTulip #pipingrockhorsesTrainer #happybirthday #weloveyou #letsride #besttrainer #thankyouforallyoudo #havethebestday #funtimes #pipingrocksummercamp

Some people run their dogs through agility courses. Here at Piping Rock, we run our ponies. The bond these two have, started in March of last year. Blue Moon has come so far!

With all that has been going on in this crazy world, we have been spending most of our time with our horses. Either out at #ddotranch or #pipingrockequestriancenter. Thank you to everyone for supporting us and loving our horses. Stay safe out there and we look forward to riding with everyone again.
#pipingrockhorses #pipingrockequestrian #doyleCA #stillriding #horsequotes #cowboyblessing #goride #getoutandride #spendtimewithyourhorse #horsesarethebest #arabfriesian #friesianarabian #stayingsafe #barnlife #stunninghorse #readyforsummer

When you have the Forest to yourself, but for some horse crazy girls playing a game of “Have you ever?” But it’s all about what horses they have ridden. The innocence of girls and their love of horses, may it hold true forever. 🎥 @saphira_blue_moon

Everyone play along.. something funny to laugh at...🤣🤣 we can't wait to see what your horse's name and breed will be.
#ariat #pipingrockequestriancenter #pipingrockequestrian #pipingrockhorses #comeride #trailrides #ddotranch #doyleCA #stillriding #horsequotes #cowboyblessing #gorideyourhorse #playalong #funny

Quarter Horse/Percheron cross
*Pike is for sale at $8,000. Time to find his forever home!
Pike is a stunning black and white pinto that is about 16.3 hands. This handsome man has been in multiple parades, where our talented trainer will stand on him as he makes he way down the street. When Pike is not showing off for crowds he can be found in Piping Rock's dude string. He is a slow and steady guy who enjoys long days in the woods. Please share your Pike stories with us. If interested please email Lisa@pipingrockhorses.com
#pipingrockhorses #pipingrock #pipingrockequestriancenter #pipingrockhorsesPike #percheron #percheroncross #percheronquarterhorse #pintohorse #truckeetrails #comeride #paradehorse #standonyourhorseclub #slowandsteady @ Piping Rock Equestrian Center #salehorses #draftcrossforsale